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Providing Safety 为 Campus


The University of Wisconsin - 欧克莱尔 Police are committed to providing quality law en为cement services to students, 教师, staff and visitors. We are proud of our long tradition of working in partnership with members of our on and off-campus community and by joining together with federal, 状态, county and local law en为cement agencies to understand and address the challenges we face. Our website provides access to in为mation about our department, resources and services we provide.

Contact In为mation

The UW-欧克莱尔 Police Department provides 24/7 police services to the campus community.   

紧急情况 - 911

非紧急 - 715-839-4972

行政 - 715-836-2222

传真 - 715-718-3542

Our main office is located in Crest 健康 Center, 630 Hilltop Circle, 欧克莱尔, WI 54701. For records requests during times our main office is closed, please call 715-836-2222 and leave a message.

政策 and 过程

All UW-欧克莱尔 Police Department 政策 and 过程 documents are available to the public.  To obtain copies, please contact our main office at 715-836-2222 or send a request by email to

政策  过程
AED的使用 Absolute Sobriety Arrest
防弹衣 Alcohol Incapacitation
穿戴式摄像机 动物病例
公民投诉 Anonymous Tip Line
Crash Investigations Involving Department Vehicles 自行车巡逻
家庭暴力 炸弹威胁
Electronic Recording of Custodial Interviews 债券发
Emergency Vehicle Operation - Pursuit 汽车锁定系统
Evidence and Property 法院
Eyewitness Identification Dangerous Weapon Storage
Jurisdiction and Assisting Other Agencies DNA Collection at Arrest
Narcan Nasal Spray Use Elevator Malfunction
打开记录 EMS -火警电话
Professional Appearance Standards 法拉第袋
Profiling Bias Based Policing Hazardous Materials
条搜索 Mental Health Commitment - Chapter 51
时间系统使用 Motor Vehicle Crash Investigations
Trespass to Dwelling OMVWI逮捕
使用武力 Phone Calls - Annoying/Threatening
健康 and Peer Support 警察无线电使用
Ride Along Program
Towing of Vehicles


Crest 健康 Center 119
630 Hilltop Circle
欧克莱尔, WI 54701